Grassroots empowerment. Safe technology.
We are a coalition of educated, concerned residents of the Hawaiian islands who have joined in the global effort to limit and/or stop harmful wireless technologies (including 5G and smart meters) from being deployed in our precious islands. With us are hundreds of doctors, policy makers, and scientists who specialize in the biological effects of wireless radiation (also called electromagnetic fields – EMFs- or radio frequencies – RF) and other harmĀ from the proliferation of wireless infrastructure. Thousands of peer reviewed research papers have been published on the harmful effects of wireless radiation, yet those who stand to profit continue to ignore these legitimate and dire warnings. Our mission is to protect people and the environment from harmful technology and promote safe, sustainable and responsible technology through education, advocacy and promoting protective policy.
Next Steps…
Please sign our petitions to Stop 5G and to Stop Smart Meters until these technologies are shown to be safe. A petition to Stop the Giant 4G/5G Drones can be found on the Drone page. Kindly opt-in to our newsletter to be kept informed with important updates and action steps. The petitions will be sent to the appropriate officials in the jurisdictions that are affected. Thank you! Click here to sign and opt-in.