Our Testing Procedure
We are volunteer citizen researchers who used Safe & Sound Pro II meters, which are certified for accuracy, to test wireless radiation exposure levels at various locations on the four main Hawaiian islands. A huge Thank You to all who donated to our GoFundMe campaign to help us purchase the meters. Our research spanned two years. Below are the results.
The meters are calibrated to health effects, meaning, they are designed to measure radiation levels set according to what recent research shows about the biological effects of wireless radiation. The meters are NOT designed to measure radiation levels according to FCC standards. That's because the FCC guidelines are badly outdated (set over 25 years ago), do not adequately reflect current research and, because of that, are currently contested via multiple lawsuits. Biological damage at a cellular level occurs at much lover levels than the current government standards.
The results below are listed in microwatts per meter squared, a standard unit of measure for wireless radiation emissions from cell towers and antennas. The "safe" exposure level, according to the research, is 10 or below. Anything above that is considered biologically harmful. As you can see, almost all levels are far above 10 microwatts per meter squared.
The Safe & Sound Pro II measures the Peak, Maximum and Average radiation levels. Below we have noted only the Maximum, since the human body does not experience in “averages” and peak levels fluctuate. The maximum is the highest level measured at a given location.
The EMF testing project was time and labor intensive. It was a labor of love. We hope the results will be shared far and wide and will be used to inform citizens, educators, health care practitioners, and law makers of the harm from wireless radiation.